Arri ALEXA Classic Plus 4:3 w/ XR Module Camera Package




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This Arri ALEXA Classic Plus 4:3 XR Camera Package is in VERY GOOD CONDITION and has been tested for proper operation. ALEXA Classic Plus 4:3 camera body shows typical wear from normal operating use & comes equipped with the Alexa Plus 4:3 Bundle license & the ARRI Xtended Record (XR) Module enabling the use of Codex XR Capture Drives (see photos). *5269* OPERATING HOURS! Features of this ALEXA Plus 4:3 XR include ARRIRAW recording on Codex XR Capture Drives, a 4:3 image sensor mode based on the Super 35mm film frame for optimal anamorphic shooting, Highspeed Mode for recording up to 120 fps & a PL Mount with an integrated Lens Data System (LDS) for metadate collection from LDS lenses. Additionally, the ALEXA Plus 4:3 XR has a special side cover with extended electronics for wireless camera control, a leveling sensor, controlled lens motor driving & lens control systems. This is a very well-equipped camera package– it even comes with a spare viewfinder cable (back up cables can be a real “shoot saver” when a cable fails or gets damaged in the middle of a shoot). With the included Codex Capture Drives, Dock Reader and AC power supply, you will be ready to go “right out of the box”– just mount your lens and you are ready to shoot! This Arri ALEXA Plus 4:3 XR Camera Package comes to you with a 7 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE (details below).

ARRI Codex SxS Pro/Pro+ Card Adapter for XR/XT Cameras not included. SxS Pro/Pro+ Card Adapter enables the use of Sony SxS Pro/Pro+ cards to record media internally on the ALEXA XR module cameras, please contact Visual Products for details on purchasing.


What is the difference between an ALEXA Classic or 4:3 Plus with XR Module & an ALEXA XT?

With multiple versions & upgrades available for Arri ALEXA cameras, it can be difficult to know what features are available with each camera iteration. To begin, the ARRI Xtended Recording (XR) Module, which comes standard on all ALEXA XTs, can replace the ALEXA Classic camera’s existing SxS recording module, enabling the ability to record in ARRIRAW just like the ALEXA XT. ALEXA Classics with the XR Module upgrade will maintain their native 16:9 aspect ratio, unless the camera is further upgraded to the taller 4:3 sensor, which is standard in all ALEXA XTs. This 4:3 Super 35 active sensor area is ideal for anamorphic shooting in 4:3 sensor mode which is why all ALEXA XTs & ALEXA 4:3 Plus upgraded cameras come equipped with a bundle license featuring anamorphic de-squeeze capabilities. Although the ALEXA XT & ALEXA 4:3 Plus have the same sensor, the ALEXA XT model cameras are the only cameras that have been developed to include ARRIRAW Open Gate mode which utilizes the full camera sensor for ARRIRAW recording. To put it simply, all ALEXA cameras with the upgraded XR module are capable of recording ARRIRAW and only the ALEXA 4:3 Plus & ALEXA XT are capable of 4:3 sensor mode, while only the ALEXA XT is able to shoot full Open Gate mode. 

What makes an ALEXA 4:3, an ALEXA 4:3 Plus?

An upgraded version of the classic ALEXA 4:3, the 4:3 Plus has a special side cover with extended electronics for additional camera functions. Features include a built in radio system for wireless remote control of lens & camera, Lens Data System (LDS) for reading lens data from LDS lenses, & Lens Data Archive for achieving LDS functionality with non-LDS lenses.  Along with three Controlled Lens Motor (CLM) ports for driving CLMs & two Lens Control System (LCS) ports for connecting various LCS hand units, the ALEXA 4:3 Plus has a third RS socket & fourth MON OUT output. The 4:3 Plus also includes a level sensor for determining camera roll/tilt in degrees & an additional button labeled WRS (Wireless Remote System) for adjusting all settings related the Plus module.


This Arri ALEXA 4:3 Plus XR Camera Package comes to you with a 7 DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. The buyer will be able to receive the camera and confirm its condition. If the camera is found to not be as described, it can be returned for a refund upon return to Visual Products in as-shipped condition and with no more than 10 additional operating hours.

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This product is backed by our 6 MONTH PARTS AND LABOR WARRANTY.
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